Successful PRS transaction in Poland

L/E/I Transactions GmbH successfully advises on a PRS transaction in Poland.

Hotels or no hotels...?

Hospitality is one of L/E/I’s core activity areas and as any other business this one will very likely change. We would like to dare taking a look ahead, what “business as usual” within the hotel world might look like after the crisis.

Residentials after COVID-19 pandemic- an outlook

Residentials in Poland the new winner? What are the new opportunities arising from the COVID-19 epidemic with regard to investments in this asset class? Aurelia Cieslinska gives a potential outlook after analysis and discussions with investor clients from various countries.

Introducing Aurelia

“Brokerage is only one puzzle of L/E/I’s activities- there is more to it.“ Aurelia Cieslinska is the founder and CEO of L/E/I. Her love for Real Estate led to L/E/I currently advising their trusted clients on the most prestigious off-market commercial real estate transactions in Poland.